Sunday, May 5, 2013

Temple visit

We went on an outing to a temple, and on the way saw a birds nest with a bunch of little baby birds waiting for mom to come home with food.

Apparently having a birds nest in front of your home or place of business brings good luck.  People try to help their luck along by building fake nests and hoping to trick the birds into taking up residence.  The proud owners of this overhang were successful in their attempts.  (The business next door tried as well and were left with just an empty, pathetic-looking fake nest)

Whenever I would say, "Birdies, hey, birdies!!", they would stick out their necks and start shrieking.  Pretty humorous  and we stayed there for a while, calling to them and taking pictures.   

Finally made it to the temple and stopped to play on these hear no evil, speak no evil monkey/bear/raccoons.

It was the birthday of one of the gods and we were hoping to see some sort of celebration.  Apparently this was not a very important god and no one cares that it's his birthday.

So we just walked around and explored instead..

I see these random mascots all over the place.  
These were at the MRT station when we were heading home.  I still don't know what they are.

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