Saturday, April 6, 2013

First full day alone with both kids

Spent Saturday alone with the kids. Wasn't too bad, although I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a lot of tv involved.. Unfortunately, it rained all day so my options were pretty limited. Hudson rejected the dinner I put together for him and the three of us ending up going to bed early. Happily neither put up much of a fight.

Meanwhile, Tom Cruise was hanging out 5 minutes away signing autographs at a movie premiere. I haven't been to the movies since I was pregnant with Hudson...

Amazingly I was harassed by yet another mosquito overnight. I honestly don't understand where they come from. Windows have not been opened again since the first night, and I have a strict rule that after dusk no doors are opened either. Trust that it was the last one and that the apartment is safe once again!

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