Friday, April 5, 2013

Without Husband, Day 1

First night was pretty rocky.

Luckily Sienna slept through my entire dinner prep, which was great.

I made the huge mistake of trying to put H down at 8, because he said he was ready and I thought he'd be tired from not having napped. Well, that didn't work.

So back to the living room and tv until 9:30. Tried again. Still wouldn't go down (taking it as a sign that his health is better as he's been collapsing in 2 seconds the past days..)

Then we started the dance..  Anny tried to go in and he just screamed for me. I got Sienna down and thought he had gone down and all was well, then heard him screaming, so tried to move to go put him down and she woke up.

At 11pm, finally brought him in bed with me. He fell asleep immediately. I labored I until midnight to get Sienna down again and then woke up at 1:30, itching uncontrollably.


Another mosquito situation.

I was freaking out.

Found and killed two terrors - crazy how they park right behind you after they eat you alive!!!


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