Sunday, April 14, 2013

Rainy Weekend

On Saturday we went to a rummage sale and found a few treasures for the kids, including a bowling set, a little basketball hoop puzzle toy thing, a sun hat for Sienna, and a few books in Chinese.

We did an experimental pizza for lunch which turned out quite good, and Hudson spent the rest of the afternoon playing happily with the rummage sale finds.


After - no difference, i know..

I took a video of H learning the Chinese 'alphabet' - I wish I could load it!

The kids were wild in the evening for some reason and a battled to get either or them to sleep until after 11!! Eventually they crashed, but I was lucky to have Anny around.

Sunday was another rainy day and I got H dressed up in his rain jacket for the first time. He was very proud. He spent about 6 hours at the library with Anny. Kid loves the library!!

He won't smile for the camera - so silly!

Caught you!

Face when prompted..

Another nap-less day, but luckily Hudson went down early and easily and I was able to send Anny home and enjoy a quiet evening! :)

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