Sunday, April 7, 2013

Taipei Children's Recreation Center

Sunday was the first nice day all week. We took advantage to finally get out of the house and go to an amusement park.

Because of the holiday weekend, admission was free (and it was super packed as a result), but Hudson still loved it!

We rode the ferris wheel and Hudson went on a Thomas the train ride and a few other kiddie ones, then played on the playground for a while.

Nuclear meltdown when I refused to buy him ice cream, but otherwise a successful outing!

We went home and all took a nice nap, and then realized to my horror when we woke up that Hudson's face had gotten badly burned! I seriously underestimated the strength of the rays, and was pretty burned myself.

At least it happened on a mild, chilly day when the rest of him was covered up. I have learned my lesson and will be incorporating sunblock into our daily routine from now on!!!

On the ferris wheel

he drove this little thing by himself!  loved it!

Mommy and Anny couldn't figure out how to make this one work - until time ran out..

He really liked these ones!

This kid kept bullying Hudson (and hitting the other kids)
He pushed Hudson around twice before I gave him a piece of my mind...

 My poor burnt boy

Exhausted after a long day!!

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