Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Baby Girl

Baby girl has so many adorable dresses (that I never dress her up in)...  So now I'm making a concerted effort to dress her up every Sunday.

Here we are the other week in the nursery room.

Very challenging to get a good picture of her (esp with the phone...)

Which is why I was excited to have her do some modeling, so that the professionals could do it for me!

Little did I know that my happy smiley baby would turn into an absolute BEAR every time I set her down to take pictures?!?!?!?!?

That's 2 for 2 - totally wrong about my kids!  
Sienna had gotten jobs lined up every week all summer but she just hated it....  
Gave it a couple tries and now giving it a rest.

Despite her misgivings, they were able to get some really adorable snaps.... 
(couldn't resist...) it was worth a few tears to me!

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