Sunday, June 16, 2013

Unofficial Father's Day

Ba-Ba (Daddy and also 8-8) Day isn't technically until Aug 8 here, but we decided to go out for American Father's Day anyway.

Daddy picked brunch at the Sheraton, which ended up being an excellent choice!

Just got pics of the most important part....  :)

While I was admiring the dessert section, this crazy couple came over and proceeded to empty FOUR ENTIRE bowls of macaroons, mandeleines, and something called "canelas" onto their plates...

while all the while, stuffing them into their mouths.

I was rather shocked....

Anyway, luckily I had managed to get one before they were ransacked (and they weren't that exciting - definitely not enough to be trying to eat (or take home?) 50 of them....)

Hudson enjoyed some daddy bonding time...

while Sienna slept....   (very handy - I was able to enjoy a meal in relative peace!!)

Afterwards, tried to take some family pics since I am always behind the camera.

And then we ran some errands - Ikea...  And I tried to take a Father's Day picture with daddy's little girl - but she is SO



She literally would not stay still for one second.

I got exactly zero usable pictures of the two of them....

Such a challenge, this little one!

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