Saturday, June 29, 2013

Mr. Cool (grandparents post)

Hudson has this bizarre and wonderful obsession with glasses.  After borrowing our over-sized ones for a few months, Daddy finally bought him his very own pair on his last business trip.

Trying to get a decent snap of him proved challenging..

Mr. Cool!

And here are way too many pics of Sienna one day when we went out to meet a friend for lunch.
She was making funny faces and practicing waving while we waited.

(I find this one hilarious!)
New teeth coming in always make her stick out her tongue in funny ways...

Waving practice..

Finally, mom - lunch!

Pizza - her favorite
(I'm a good mom, I know.)

Her favorite plaything - an empty bottle of baby tylenol..

All that activity makes for a sleepy baby - and happy mom!

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