Friday, June 28, 2013

Welcome home daddy! Day at the zoo

After nearly two weeks away, Daddy took a day off to spend as a family - H was really excited!!  (Can't you tell?)

He really was...  We decided to go to the Zoo and our day started off with a gondola ride.  

Was Hudson's second time, so he was more interested than scared this time around.

Very happy to be reunited!

Little Girl had fallen asleep and woke up just in time to catch some of the views.

Our big plan had been to ride all the way to the top, have some lunch, and then stop at the Zoo on the way back down.  Unfortunately, there was really nothing interesting (to us) at the top except for a 7-11, where we got some drinks and an ice cream and headed straight back down.

After during double duty for so long, I was more than happy to pass the torch!

Super Dad coming through!!

Father-son bonding.  H was too sweet today!

Even though we both look topless, only the baby was.  It was SOOOOO hot this day!!!  Because I didn't want her to over-heat (too much) in the carrier and the stroller provided enough sun protection, I stripped her down to diaper for the day...

You can kind of see (points if you can spot it!) why I was most excited to go to the zoo in the background - orangutans!!

There was a baby orang born earlier this year, but either he/she is no longer a baby or he/she is kept elsewhere - sadly this was my only baby encounter.

Oh, and yes, I am very Asian with my sun umbrella.  I did try this when we lived in Africa and everyone thought I was nuts, so I'm happy to be in a place where it is culturally accepted!!

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