Sunday, June 23, 2013

Crazy Day

Some days just don't go as planned...  On this particular day, Dev was still out of town.  We had gone to church in the morning, and they were meeting upstairs instead of their regular spot - so everything was confused and different and the kids program didn't go as usual - and then I dropped Hudson and Anny off to go to the science center and cabbed home - only to find that I'd left Anny with the house key!!!

Little girl and I waited, sweating it out in the lobby for over an hour waiting for them to come home to unlock the door.  I was most upset that Hudson's play had been disrupted/cancelled because I knew how disappointed he would be - and for no good reason other than mom's forgettfulness!!!  Ugh.

Atleast little girl had a good nap on me while we waited - and woke up with some wild hair!

Days like today, would be really handy to have some friends in the building...!!

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