Sunday, March 24, 2013

Adventures in grocery shopping take 2

Given the pitiful results of our first grocery shopping attempt, we were out again the next morning as we still had no food in the house.

Proved to be even more exhausting than the previous time.

We foolishly tried to go to Costco. On a Saturday. Madhouse does not even begin to describe what it was like.

We ate lunch there (forgot to take pics, but will do next time!) and ended up going to Carrefour to pick up a few things instead and the carted our groceries, the baby, the baby carrier, the diaper bag, the stroller, and Hudson into a cab and home.

Officially considering buying a car now.

At least we were able to successfully cook our first meal (in our newly cleaned and organized kitchen, I might add):

Isn't it beautiful?

Hudson amused himself playing  in the sink while we cooked.

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