Friday, March 15, 2013

Moving in

We got an early start and met the movers just before 9am. The next 8 hours were a whirlwind as we sorted out the layout of the furniture amidst hundreds of boxes being unpacked everywhere - all the while with Sienna sleeping on my back. I think I deserve some kind of medal. Luckily she was wonderful and didn't complain about being in the carrier again!

I continue to be amazed by God's provision in all this. It is striking how perfect this apartment is for us - and that we didn't see it when we first viewed the place! It was last on our list. Through a series of events, other options fell by the wayside and I felt God strongly leading in this direction. How wonderful to have a Father that concerns himself and assists in all aspects of our lives!

I'm thrilled that pretty much all our furniture fit with some room to spare. I'm just bummed that we left our table behind as it would have been absolutely perfect!

Home sweet home

Front entrance

The beginning

Kids room

Layout coming together

Kitchen is a war zone

Lunch break at the restaurant downstairs - cheers!

Mom and pop place

We went with the orange one and red one. First was delicious, second not so much...

My dragon baby dressed as a power ranger (thank you OP HK)

Going to be a long week!

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