Monday, March 25, 2013

More pictures

Most amusing sight I was unfortunately not able to snap - a man carrying around a dog in a forward-facing baby bjorn at the mall. Hoping this was not a once-off thing. Was too hilarious!

In any event, here are some pics from the past few days....

Early morning kisses

and cuddles..  
(Sienna is wearing H's hand-me-down diapers.)  
Let's just say I get complimented a lot on my 2 adorable sons...

More irresistible kissy cuteness

Haven't been sleeping very well since we got here.
Think this might have something to do with it.. 
(2 out of 3 passed out in this pic)

Aunt Tracy came for a visit and we had a girls' dinner out!

Very serious cartoons on TV apparently

Cheeky boy knew I was snapping pics..

Girl's a pro at sitting now

Examining her dolly

Love this drooly face!

This was the freakiest traffic director ever - with creepy face mask and everything!

Saw the most enormous apples ever today - at equally huge price ($50+)!!
(really should have put my hand out to give scale to the ridiculous size of these apples)

This is proving to be a dangerous indulgence.  Hit up Chatime again today.
I can't get enough of this stuff - snack + drink in one.  So satisfying!
And at $1.50, I pretty much can't resist it ever.  Just a bit concerned because there was a number next to it on the menu which could possibly have been the caloric content..  Hmm...

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