Monday, March 4, 2013

Getting ready

Three more days until we leave for Taiwan!  It's been a whirlwind 6 months - between selling our house, having a baby, leaving Toronto, caring for a newborn and toddler, working around Dev's travel schedule, and living with family in the interim - we have certainly had our fair share of stress to deal with!!  But now all that is behind us and we are in the last stretch of this major international move.  Still no apartment lined up - we are hoping that we will find something and be able to move in immediately. We have a hotel for a week, and we better get ourselves sorted out in that time as H is really needing some normalcy in his life. The sooner we get settled the better.
Poor boy has really struggled with all of the changes. I can't imagine how confusing it must be for him!  Considering the upheaval in his life, I think he is coping reasonably well. I just want to be able to provide him with some stability and sense of permanence again!
About halfway packed...  12 hour layover in Toronto - visit to the orthodontist and a few friends and then we'll finally be on our way. Thankful it's a direct flight and not too worried about the 14 hour flight time - we're pros by now.
Very excited for this new adventure to begin!

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