Saturday, March 16, 2013

Mea est vindicta

First night was a bit rough. Although we have officially been here a week, I am STILL battling jet lag. I think it is partly due to waking up to nurse and then being unable to fall back asleep. Last night, however, my sweet babe was not to blame for my troubles. I woke up to the torment of itching welts all over my body and the incessant hiss of my tormentor in my ears. Anyone who knows me well knows that I am the best thing that could ever happen to a mosquito and when they find me, they tell their friends and forsake all others. I tried hard to ignore my misery and sleep, thinking it would be worse to turn on the lights in search of my predator and risk waking the children. Finally, at 5am, I could take no more and dared to turn on the lights. And then I saw it. Neatly lined up directly behind me on the wall, were SIX satiated devils, basking in the glory of the best meal of their lives. Unfortunately for them, it was also their last.

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