Our flight only left at 1am and poor Hudson could barely remain upright. I felt like I was torturing my poor children by wandering them through the airport when they should have been in bed - especially after such a long day! They obviously slept on the flight, and though it was loooooooong, it wasn't too bad. Sienna even slept in the bassinet for about 5 hours by herself! We put Hudson in his own seat, but somehow he fell out and Devin found him crying on the floor! Poor thing. Needless to say, he spent the next 10 hours in Dev's lap..
Arrived at 5am on Saturday morning and relaxed at the hotel for a few hours before going out to look at apartments.
So far the count for the kids is 1 picture request, 2 cheek squeezes.
Headed to pick up rental car in Toronto:
All our luggage - not bad for moving with 2 kids!
Bath in a bucket before the long flight
The most precious thing I've ever seen!
Digging the Disney channel
In-flight entertainment
In-flight entertainment
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