Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter - part 1

We've had a very busy past few days that has left me barely time for sleep, much less blogging, but in any event, here is what we've been up to:

Thursday we went to our first play group/meet-up. Big success! Hudson loved it and I met several moms from my area.

Greeting the robot at the entrance

Playing in the huge sand pit area

Very serious as usual..

Brave boy!

What a face!  
He refuses to smile if he thinks you are taking a picture....

After lunch, he and Anny spent over an hour reading in the little shop - he didn't want to leave!

Friday, we went to a morning Bible study/play group and enjoyed Easter lunch with the group afterwards.

Sienna continues to teeth on everything...

And Hudson is in a "licking" phase...  He doesn't really eat his food anymore, he just licks it to death..
(And he seems to be a savory/salty type - I couldn't keep him away from the pretzel sticks)


  1. So fun to look at your blog and see familiar faces: Kelly, Andrea, and others. Glad you're enjoying Taipei and getting to meet some of the great people there! Happy Easter to your family!

    1. Thanks, Morgan, you, too!

      I've got a bunch more pics to post of the picnic. And you'll be happy to know we visited Grace on Sunday. I spent the service in the cry room, but what I gathered from it, I enjoyed.

      Have connected with some Neihu moms - Monika, Li Lu, Heather - which has been great. Sad that Monika's leaving soon, though!

      When do you guys get back?

  2. Glad you made it to Grace on Sunday! We miss it, and Mike is looking forward to getting back to leading worship. He misses it a lot. I'm sad Monika's leaving too--I've really enjoyed being Johnny and Cole's Sunday School teacher. They're a sweet family.

    We get back at the end of June--about 3 months.
