Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter - part 3

Despite a dreary, rainy Sunday, we went to church in the morning and then enjoyed a lavish brunch at the W hotel.

This was the area solely dedicated to dessert!

What a magical place, the W Taipei!!

yum, yum

And now some pics of the kids ;)

She was in such a funny mood - she was talking/screeching in this pic..

And for all Sienna's smiles...

This picture makes me laugh every single time!!!!  I asked him to show me his biggest smile - LOL!!

And then he made this face..

What a funny character!

Extremely rare family pic, albeit not a great one

Huds was given balloons on the way out

He was pretty excited about them

Surprisingly difficult to snap a pic with unwieldy balloons! (Not to mention kids)


Happy Easter!

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